Two Wells Primary School Newsletter- Term 3, Week 3.
Leadership welcome
Curriculum & Pedagogy Leader
Wellbeing and Curriculum Support Leader
School Photos Catch-up Day
Mid-Year Receptions in room 7 with Miss Amie
Book Week Parade
Book Fair and Grandparent's/Special Person's Day
Book Fair Payments
Two Wells Primary School Playgroup
House Points Update
Father's Day Stall
Searching for Wool
Leadership welcome
As we reflect on the results, we are filled with pride and gratitude for the tremendous effort and dedication demonstrated by our learners, teachers, and the entire school community. Our leaders have already reviewed the results as part of our internal review to assess the impact of our work over the past two years. Our teachers will continue this review as we adjust our planning for future students. It is critical that our Year 3 students receive the stretch in their learning and feedback to continue their learning journey.
School highlights: This year, our learners have achieved strong results across all tested areas in year 3, including Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation), and Numeracy. We are very proud of our writing results which reflects the intervention we ran last year.
Growth and Improvement: We are particularly proud of the significant improvements shown by our learners. The progress made by many reflects their determination and the effectiveness of our teaching strategies, approaches to learning and targeted support programs. Seeing so many learners making substantial strides in their literacy and numeracy skills is encouraging in terms of our work with Freshstart in the year 5 group. This group of students struggled to met bench marks in phonics and running records in 2019, as such we are proud that a significant gap has closed for many and we continue to support students in the skills required for success at high school.
The Role of Our Teachers: Our teachers and support staff have been instrumental in guiding our learners towards these successes. Their implementation of explicit instruction in the Junior team , and continuous support have been pivotal. Their willingness to embrace new learning and place the learners at the heart of our thinking has not gone unnoticed. We extend our deepest gratitude to all our educators for their unwavering dedication.
Moving Forward: While we celebrate these achievements, we also look forward to continuing our journey of academic growth for every learner. We focus on fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment where every learner can thrive. We are committed to building on this year's success and ensuring that all our learners have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We know that truth growth only happens when our learners feel valued and supported, and their voices are central to their learning.
Book week: We love this event, we encourage all our students to participate, and invite our parents to dress up and join our parade.
Rosie Gilsenan-Reed and Darrell Avery
Principal and Deputy Principal
Curriculum & Pedagogy Leader
Each year, schools in Australia celebrate Children's Book Week. The aim is to encourage a love of reading and promote books of excellence for young people. Shortlists of recently published books are released, and on the Friday immediately before Book Week, the Book of the Year and winners in various categories are announced. Read our segment about the Book Week Parade below with all the details.
Children in Year 3 and Year 5 will bring home their NAPLAN outcomes this week. Celebrate their successes and remind your child that Naplan is one part of the whole information that we know about them. Naplan data is analysed at individual and school level in order to inform our ongoing teaching and whole-school improvement. If you have individual questions or wish discuss your child’s learning then please book an optional interview directly with the class teacher.
Rosie Sarakinis
Curriculum & Pedagogy Leader
Wellbeing and Curriculum Support Leader
Dear parents and caregivers,
My name is Donato Zotti and I am excited to be taking on the roll of Wellbeing and Curriculum Support Leader at Two Wells Primary School. It has been wonderful meeting all the students and families in the community. Having worked in both metro and country South Australia across a broad range of schools in my career so far, I look forward to sharing my knowledge and working with staff and students at Two Wells Primary School.
Thank you to the families within the school community for being supportive in our change to morning and afternoon drop off. The carpark is limited to staff, busses and disabled parking due to safety and department requirements with kiss and drop access. We understand that any shift in routine can be challenging, and appreciate your cooperation. Your positive attitude and collaboration have not gone unnoticed. We are committed to making sure that our school environment remains as welcoming and accommodating as possible, and your support plays a vital role in that effort.
Donato Zotti
Wellbeing and Curriculum Support Leader
School Photos Catch-up Day
Next Monday the 12th of August, our catch up day for school photos will take place.
If you still haven't placed an order and would like to...
Then enter code: JHG H3K MW2
Reminder: You cannot order sibling photos online, they will require a cash envelope on the day.
If you have any questions, our friendly staff in the front office will support you!
Mid-Year Receptions in room 7 with Miss Amie
Our First Weeks of Reception!
Over the past few weeks our mid-year receptions have been working on school readiness. We have been engaging in lots of play-based activities to build up our resilience for being at school. These activities have included many different ways to explore and present our learning. The children have all been loving the opportunity to engage in these hands-on experiences and show their learning in creative new ways. We are seeing a very positive start to our first term at school and cannot wait to see what the next few months brings for Room 7.
What we have been up to:
Book Week Parade
Calling all readers!!! You are invited to our 2024 Book Week Parade on Thursday the 22nd of August.
Our 2024 theme is 'Reading is Magic' - we encourage all students to dress up as they favourite character that has inspired them. We are so excited to celebrate throughout the week starting the 19th with fun and engaging learning experiences, and especially our dress up day around the town.
Why we celebrate Book Week and reading?
Incorporating literature in primary education supports many aspects that contribute to create well-informed, creative and empathetic citizens in society. Through language, emotional, and cognitive development, children are able to extend their vocabulary knowledge and improve language and literacy skills through the ability to analyse, interpret, relate and respond to the texts they are exposed to. Lastly, READING IS ENJOYABLE!!!
Attached is our flyer with all the information - the permission slips went out this week and will need to be returned to school by Monday the 19th of August.
See you there!
Book Fair and Grandparent's/Special Person's Day
TWPS presents...
Our annual Book Fair and Grandparent's/Special Person's Day on Friday the 30th of August.
A fun filled day where our special people can come through and see all the amazing learning we are doing in our classrooms - we are so excited!
On the day, we will as well have our Book Fair on where students and special people can come through and purchase some amazing books and goodies from scholastic. Don't forget, Christmas is only around the corner and what a great gift a book could be. From all purchases received, a small percentage will be given as rewards to our library to use for resources.
Please note 2 members per student can attend the day.
Find all the details below.
Book Fair Payments
Please note that our annual Book Fair is an EFTPOS ONLY event. Any cash will unfortunately be turned away.
We have a solution! If you are unable to attend Grandparent's/Special Person's Day - do not stress! Students will be provided with a wish list in which they can anticipate which books they might like to purchase, and as well vouchers prepaid in advance to the event.
This means you can pre purchase a voucher for your child in which you pay online in advance with a desired amount. Then, all they need to do is bring their purple slip on the day with the receipt number and purchased amount. How good is that?!?!
Please note we cannot offer refunds if a child doesn’t spend the full amount. We will prompt students to ensure they spend the amount purchased whether that be $5, $10 $20 or more.
Attached we have provided an example of what your child's wish list might look like, along with how to record if you have prepaid a voucher for your child to use on the day.
The slips will be sent home next Monday the 12th of August.
Two Wells Primary School Playgroup
Thursday's during school terms 9:00-10:15am in the STEM/OSHC building.
Over the past 3 weeks we have had a lot of fun exploring together and getting to know each other. We have engaged in lots of sensory experiences and as well fine and gross motor skill development. We also engaged in some Olympic games activities, painting the Olympic rings and making torches, but I still think the musical instruments and the dancing at the end is everyone’s favourite.
We love to dance each week & the kinetic sand and cloud dough has been a hit! The costumes were also a good lead into Book Week happening in the next couple of weeks exploring dressing up and expressing themselves as different characters.
As mentioned I will be absent next week, but there will be another wonderful educator to take the session. Any questions, please feel free to email me or message me through our page on Instagram or Facebook!
I will be back the following Thursday, the 22nd of August where we will discuss joining in the Book Week Parade with the school around the town!
Thank you all for coming and to the new faces! So exciting connecting to the local community and having a fun & safe place to play!
Steff Seccafien
What we have been up to:
The Student Leadership Team along with all the students and the generous parents of TWPS have put together a food bank with essential non-perishable foods and personal care items.
Students were made aware that there are some individuals and families in our community who are struggling to make-ends-meet (particularly over the weekends). After some discussion they decided to create the foodbank as a part of their fundraising initiatives.
The foodbank is located inside the canteen and can be accessed by adults during breakfast club or alternatively you can send a note to school with your student who can hand it to Michelle or Charmaine in the breakfast club and they will put together a pack to send home with your child in their bag.
Adults from our school are also welcome to access the foodbank to help out friends and neighbours in our community who may not have a student at the school.
Please utilize the foodbank in a responsible way and only take what you need.
Students from the student leadership group are always looking for more contributions and we would like to thankyou for your support so far.
House Points Update
Well done to Reeves taking the lead with 792 points!
Great effort Redbanks in 2nd with 567 points!
Keep it up Light in 3rd place with 529 points!
Way to go Korunye in 4th place with 510 points - you are so close to Light!
Father's Day Stall
It's that time!!!
On Tuesday the 27th of August we will be having our annual Father's Day Stall.
Students will have the opportunity with their classes throughout the morning to visit the stall and purchase gifts for their special person they celebrate with.
Gifts range from $2-$5
See you there!
Searching for Wool
Any donations would be greatly appreciated to support our Gardening and SEL groups. Thank you in advance!