Two Wells Primary Newsletter- Term 1, Week 6 2025.
Message from Kirsty Brumby
A glimpse into Room 2
A glimpse into Room 13
Meet the staff
Acquaintance Night
Pupil Freeday
Interhouse Sports activity
Sports Day
Jump Rope for heart
Gratitude Group
School Fees
Scholastic Book Club
Register for reception 2026
Transition visits
Year 6 High School transition
NAIDOC in the North Art Competition
Instrumental Music Lessons
Government Funded Program
AUSKICK registrations Now Open
Active Kids in term 2
Dance Classes
Holiday program- Languages Alive!
Message from Kirsty Brumby

Dear parents and caregivers,
It’s been an exciting and busy start the school year.
We are especially thrilled to share with you that Two Wells Primary School has received $10 million to replace our outdated buildings.
Last week, we hosted a visit from Premier Peter Malinauskas and Education Minister Blair Boyer as part of a Country Cabinet held in the Adelaide Plains.
It was wonderful to have the chance to show them around our school and demonstrate just how valuable this investment will be to our community.
From here, we will start working with the Department for Education to develop our building plans to ensure this investment best meets our educational needs.
We have also been working on upgrades to our school’s website and communication procedures, which will allow us to more easily share our school newsletter, upcoming events and our policies and procedures. This is happening alongside discussions and actions to refresh our school’s social media channels to build better connections with our families and the wider Two Wells community.
It has been lovely to continue to see our students settle into their new classes, building connections with their peers and positive learning partnerships with their teachers.
At Two Wells Primary School, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment and we are dedicated to ensuring our school is a place where students can thrive.
Our goal is to foster a respectful and supportive atmosphere where every member of our school community feels valued.
We ask for your support in this endeavour and encourage you to contact the school’s leadership with any concerns or questions you may have.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in making Two Wells Primary School a welcoming place for everyone.
Kirsty & Darrell
A glimpse into Room 2
Year Six’s in room 2 have been working hard to set up a great learning community where everyone feels safe and happy to learn. We have been working through our challenges of accepting that each of us have different needs and we all learn differently. We have also been doing lots on respect-for ourselves, our property and each other.
In mathematics we have been learning about Prime and composite numbers and using games to build our resilience and work with different people as well as consolidate our mathematical skills.
In English we have been studying short stories and looking at the different ways we can introduce different elements such as humour.
An activity most of us have enjoyed is working on contracts. This lets us have a say in what activities we want to on a specific topic. Each contract covers elements Mathematics, Art, English, Design and Tech and digital Tech. We have completed contracts on Animals and Sport.
Another Collaborative activity we are working on is our class banner. First, we worked as a group to decide what is important to us. We are now working on designing our presentation for the rest of the class then transferring our final design to material which will be joined together and displayed.
On Friday afternoons students who have made great choices with their learning and behaviour are selected to go and help in the reception classes and we are about to start some cross peer learning with the Kindy Outreach group.
Our learning

A glimpse into Room 13
Room 13 have been enjoying a variety of fun learning experiences.
In science we are learning about adaptations and learnt about how camouflage is beneficial for animals to survive. We created camouflage butterflies and hid them around the room which has been great fun having other classes come in to find them!
Our technology unit has revolved around designing solutions to human problems. We made prosthetic legs using PVC pipes, pool noodles, rope, lots and lots of duct tape and some donated shoes. We finished the activity with a race using our new legs!
Room 13

Meet the staff
Last newsletter we met the teachers; this newsletter lets meet the other staff that make up the rest of Two Wells Primary.
Acquaintance Night
This Thursday the 6th of March, week 6 is Acquaintance night. We are looking forward to seeing as many families come through to have a look at the classrooms, chat to the teachers and enjoy a barbecue.
3:30-4:40pm BBQ/ picnic (free sausage sizzle, drinks $2 each)
4:30-6pm Open Classrooms
6pm AGM Meeting (All parents are welcome to attend)
Students can collect a passport from their classroom teachers and walk around the school collecting stamps. Once the passport is filled, they can see Ms. Charmaine in the kitchen for a Zooper Dooper!
Pupil Freeday
Our first Pupil Freeday of term 1 will be this Friday the 7th of March (Week 6), which is followed by the Adelaide Cup Public Holiday on Monday the 10th of March.
Interhouse Sports activity
On Friday the 28th of February, students participated in the first Interhouse sports activity for the year. All students met in their house teams and ran/ walked laps around the oval to win house points! With each lap of the oval the students collected pop sticks to represent the points they were earning.
The results are as follows:
Reeves- 208, Light- 179, Redbanks- 165, Korunye- 158
Sports Day
Jump Rope for heart
Jump Rope for Heart is the Heart Foundation’s primary school skipping challenge that helps kids move more, have fun, and raise funds for life-saving research and programs.
This year we’ve got an audacious goal to see our student Heart Heroes at Two Wells Primary School to log 40 hours of skipping throughout the program!
Register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started. Students will be skipping throughout the term.
You can share their online fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause. We will hold our school Jump Off Day on March 25th, this will mark the end of the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!

Gratitude Group
School Fees
Scholastic Book Club
Issue 2 of the Scholastic book club is currently available. All catalogues have been sent home, or you can also have a look online using the link below.
Orders are due by the 28/03/25.
Register for reception 2026
Registration of interest is open for Reception 2026. Please see the front office for a registration form.
If your child is starting school term 3 2025, you'll need to register by the end of term 2 2025.
Transition visits
Transition visits for the mid-year intake Receptions will begin at the end May. It's a great opportunity for our new little learners to become familiar with the school, teachers and peers.
Year 6 High School transition
NAIDOC in the North Art Competition
Instrumental Music Lessons
The instrumental music program is up and running, and lessons are available!
Tutors would love to work with as many young music enthusiasts at Two Wells Primary.
Sports Vouchers are accepted for music lessons, which is a great opportunity for families to now enroll in an instrument.
Subsidy is available.

Government Funded Program
Could you use an extra $500 for education costs? We know that cost of living pressures are continuing to put extra stress on households, with families in particular feeling the effects.
What is Saver Plus? Eligibility applies
Saver Plus is a program for people on lower incomes. It’s about bolstering their financial skills, so they can develop (and keep) good savings habits.
Since 2003, Saver Plus has supported more than 62,000 people to start saving.
It’s helped overcome the barriers around education expenses, and it’s helped set them up for a brighter future.
AUSKICK registrations Now Open
Active Kids in term 2
Get Ready for Fun After-School Sports!
Want to keep kids active, learning new skills, and having a blast after school? We've got something amazing for them! Join us in term 2, on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4-5pm for our exciting JMC Active Kids @ John McVeity Centre. It's the perfect way for kids to stay active, meet new friends, and try out different sports!
Here’s the lineup for the first few weeks:
🏐 3 Weeks of Volleyball (Wednesdays)
⚽ 3 Weeks of Netball (Thursdays)
But hold on—it gets even better! After these weeks, we’ll switch things up with MORE fun sports! 😎
⚽ 3 Weeks of Futsal (Wednesdays)
🎾 3 Weeks of Pickleball (Thursdays)
🏸 And after that, it’s Badminton & Basketball!
There’s something for everyone, so let the kids jump into the action, show off their skills, and have a ton of fun!
Our up-coming QUINGO night is a great opportunity for you, your colleagues, neighbours and/or friends to have some fun, team-building, laughing and testing your abilities in a relaxed format.
It would also help us raise some much needed capital to fund the many projects we wish to do in the district this year. It is also a great chance to meet some of the locals and spread the word about the Two Wells Primary School.
Please help us out by getting a group together or a few individuals to join another table.
Hope to see you there.
Toodles, Anna ♥️
Pre-registration nominations are open for Year 5 / 6 students interested in playing SAPSASA Hockey (Boys, Girls and Mixed), Girls Cricket and Boys Netball.
These three sports are regionalized and three districts (Gawler, Barossa & Light and the Mid North) combine to form teams to compete at the respective State Carnivals. Each of the districts are responsible for organising trials, venues and appointing coaching staff. Gawler is once again in charge of Hockey, Barossa & Light will look after Girls Cricket and the Mid North will take care of Boys Netball.
Further details will be coming as soon as trial venues and dates are confirmed.

Dance Classes
Holiday program- Languages Alive!
As part of the government’s Languages in Schools initiative, the School of Languages has expanded the across-sector R-6 Languages Alive! program. The April 2025 program will provide students with interactive language learning opportunities in a range of languages, including Croatian, French, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese and Korean.
WHEN/WHERE: Tuesday 15 & Wednesday 16 April at School of Languages (West Croydon)
Thursday 17 April at Stirling East Primary School
COST: $10 per student per day; School Card/Health Care Card Holders: FREE
To register for tickets go to: